5 tips to receive guidance from Spirit

5 Tips to receive guidance from Spirit

You don’t have to be a psychic medium or any other type of mystic to receive guidance from another realm. We are all born with a connection to the Spirit world and although we each are likely to have different natural abilities, you already have a connection with the world of Spirit and can enhance this in order to easily access information from your Spirit Guides and ancestors, if you choose. 

One of the main gifts I have as a medium is my clear sight or clairvoyance. This enables me to receive visions in my mind's eye and also enables me to see those in Spirit if they choose to appear to me. I often see babies connecting and interacting with Spirits that I’m also able to see and it never ceases to amaze me. The first time it occurred, the baby was approximately three months old and I could see a Spirit shaking a rattle to the side of them to catch their attention. The baby turned immediately to interact with the Spirit. I was mesmerised and continued to tell that short story to anyone who would listen for months!

You too can interact and receive guidance and it’s likely something you’re doing already and are simply unaware of it on a conscious level. Do you ever get that feeling in your gut that something is just not a good idea or doesn’t feel quite right only to have it confirmed afterward? That’s your intuition which is a form of communication coming from Spirit. 

Below, I’m giving you 5 top tips to enhance your connection. 

1 Grounding

Grounding is important as it’s how we root ourselves to the physical earth. If we’re aiming to communicate with other realms that aren’t visible to the naked eye, then we need to ensure we are grounded in the physical realm. Grounding helps to ensure that we are balanced between both realms. When we spend too much time in ‘the heavens’ and aren’t grounded to the earth properly, the imbalance can create illnesses and we can suddenly find ourselves experiencing headaches, disturbed sleep as well as aches and pains. 

There are several different techniques you can use to ground yourself. 

  1. Walking barefoot on the beach or earth connects you to the earth and reaffirms your connection. Barefoot is beneficial, but it’s not essential. A walk around the local park in your regular footwear will still improve your connection to earth.

  2. Salt baths are great for grounding you too. Sprinkle some pink Himalayan salt in your next bath and sit back and relax in the knowledge that it’s helping to ground you.

  3. Visualise sitting on the earth and a cord extending from your tailbone (root chakra) down into the earth and wrapping itself around any rocks and roots that it meets along the way.

2 Meditation 

Regular meditation practice is one of the best ways to connect not only with the other realms but also with yourself on a much deeper level. Meditation is much simpler than we often realise and if you feel you need some guidance here, you need to listen to this episode of The Happy Psychic, ‘A beginners guide to meditation’ on either Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Neil McKinlay is a seasoned meditation teacher and he shares some great hints and tips in this episode. He also discusses what meditation should look like. 

When we meditate, it’s a way for us to activate a conscious connection to other realms and connect with our guides. When I meditate, my guide often chats to me and explains to me what’s happening and that often includes my crown chakra on top of my head becoming more receptive to the Spirit world - I see this in the form of a light, and as the light comes in, my guide can often be seen with a cloth, cleaning the connection! 

It’s a great way for us to strengthen our connection and when we’re in meditation, it’s likely that your guides, and any other beings, are working in the background to try and perfect your connection. My guide has said it’s like building blocks, for each time you meditate, you’re placing another brick into the foundation that is helping to build a strong and stable connection to other realms. 

3 Diet

Diet is super important when it comes to working with Spirit. My guide discourages processed foods, fast foods and foods with a high sugar content as well as a lot of animal products. In fact, she would discourage us from eating out too often and prefers us to cook at home using fresh ingredients. Even better if you’ve grown them yourself as opposed to buying them from the store! The message I receive from Spirit the most around diet is that we should be eating things that have been grown in the earth or pulled from trees and hedges. 

As the saying goes, ‘you are what you eat’ and what we’re trying to do to assist our Spirit communication is raising our vibration. So it makes sense that our diet should be focused on eating high vibrational foods. If you have grown your own carrots and turned them into carrot soup, that’s a super high vibrational food as well as being nutritionally nourishing! But if you’ve eaten a product from an animal that has been in captivity in substandard conditions and has also felt the fear and been aware of its imminent death, the vibration of that food is going to be much lower than the fresh vegetables grown in your garden.

4 Moving more

Some of us find it more difficult than others to lead an active lifestyle. Working at a desk, running a house, looking after others, whatever it is, it’s not always easy to be more active. But when we do introduce more activity into our lives, we can feel the benefit as it helps us shift stale and stagnant energy out of our body and enables us to replace it with fresh and uplifting energy. Have you ever heard of or experienced runners high? I rest my case. 

Movement doesn’t have to be strenuous. If you’re currently leading an inactive lifestyle and want to start moving more or are trying to get back to exercise after an illness or injury, go gentle. Do yoga, go for a swim, have a walk in the park. It all helps. Find your flow and then you’ll find it easier to stay there. There’s no point in killing yourself in the gym 6 days in a row if you’re going to throw the towel in after a few weeks. So find something you’re comfortable with and then it can be built on overtime. 

5 Practice

To perfect our connection with Spirit and strengthen it, we must make time to consciously use it. I would typically call this ‘sitting for Spirit’ and is something that we should aim to be consistent with and develop into a regular practice. I’d encourage a short meditation where you invite your guides and others in Spirit to come close. 

Communication with Spirit is done through your mind so you can ask questions to your guides in your mind - there’s no need to speak out loud. When first starting out, ask your guides to bring you through the answer to one specific question. Pay attention to what you’re thinking and feeling. Do any words or thoughts come to mind? Are you getting a specific visual in your mind (it might feel as though it’s in your imagination but as a quick flash)? 

In the early stages, the response from Spirit might not come through how we expect it to. It’s possible that you’ll receive the answer through someone else, or you’ll see something on social media and immediately feel that it’s connected to the question you asked, you might even get it in your dreams or feel particularly drawn to specific lyrics in a song you hear. However, as your awareness grows, those subtle nudges from Spirit will become more noticeable if you’re showing them that you’re dedicated to your practice. Some of us are destined to open our spiritual gifts in this lifetime. Others are not. But if you’re prepared to work hard and show Spirit you’re dedicated, they will work with you regardless of whether it’s predestined or not. 

If you’re working on developing your connection to spirit and would like some guidance from me in the interim, feel free to book in for a reading.


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