About me

In 2018, I was diagnosed with cancer and it led me into a profound spiritual awakening. In 2021 I had a recurrence of my cancer which resulted in a mastectomy.

In 2018, my life as I knew it was completely torn apart and I was faced with the very real possibility that my (at the time) four year old daughter could lose her mum. 

Through the grief, I was able to acknowledge that although I had the material goods and career that I desired (I was a Sales and Marketing leader in the corporate world), I wasn’t happy. I didn’t like the person I had become. I wasn’t living a fulfilling life and honouring my higher self. I’m not even sure that I felt connected to my higher self at that time in my life.  

My healing journey helped me to become aware of my spirituality, something that I was unaware of previous to my Dark Night of the Soul; I developed my psychic mediumship and uncovered and healed trauma that was buried deep within and transformed my life. I realised my life purpose and was driven to work with spirit to deliver coaching, healing and teachings as well as my podcast ‘The Happy Psychic’.

My purpose is to help you heal and uncover your life purpose and live a life that’s overflowing with joy.

Do you want to be coached by me?